Friday, July 24, 2009

Catch up day here for Optix

It is TGIF over at the Confluence, Bostonboomer posted many many links for your pleasure.

Ms. Magazine
(yeah, I know, don't remind me gotta get the cape and tights vision out of my head) has a daily newsbrief related to sexist comments being hurled at the nominee for Surgeon General, Regina Benjamin, MD.

and because I know this goes together like oil and water with the above link the

Christian Science Monitor
has done an interesting piece on why there is a negative trend in having GOP women represented in state legislatures. I left a comment there, why don't you!

Be back after my pie break!



LJSNAustin said...

Hi, Optix! Long time, no see! Glad to find you once again, friend.

Optixmom said...

It is good to be found. Glad to see you! What a crazy week. I am glad it is Friday! I need a vacation.