Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What the heck?

Can I just tell you how much I hate how our media are a bunch of gossip mongers and not journalists! It just drives me crazy that when someone is trying to move women's rights in a positive direction (you know, like making rape a punishable crime in the Congo) that all our media can do is report on that person getting "snippy" or "bitchy" about a mistranslated question. Sometimes I just want to reach into my car radio or TV and smack the media gossip monger across the face. Wake up losers, focus on what is really important! What a crock of coconuts our media has become. To think that some of them actually went to college and paid money for a journalism degree that they will never use. GAH!!

The real story and true journalism can be found here:
Associated Press - Clinton sees evil in sex crimes in eastern Congo.

I need to go and walk off this frustration. I will smell the flowers and return to some assemblance of normalcy here at the Optix ranch. I need pie.

Later Gators!


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